Quarterly update bulletin - May 2018: A new kind of land rights data on the horizon

What would it be like to worry that you could lose your home at any time?

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According to a 2017 three-country pilot study by PRIndex, one in four people do not feel secure in their property rights. But globally, we don’t know enough about who these people are, the sources of their insecurity, or the impact upon their families, communities and nations. We don’t know enough about how to alleviate their fears.

Between August and November this year, PRIndex data will shed more light than ever before on this challenge: the first international survey of how secure people believe their property and land rights to be. It’s an exhaustively refined, peer-reviewed survey based on two previous pilots that should soon cover more than half the world.

We survey perceptions, because perceptions shape how people behave – whether they invest in their land or property, for example – and they allow a comparison between dissimilar legal systems and local realities. We use nationally representative surveys because we believe that women and young adults, who are less likely to be the household heads surveyed by other methods, need to be heard equally in the development conversation.

PRIndex will be a resource for a global land rights movement uniting government, business, and civil society to make millions more secure in their homes.

View the bulletin in PDF form or read online:

• How PRIndex’s 2017 pilot studies are being picked up globally, and helping to inform discussions by and with policymakers

• How PRIndex will partner with two exciting initiatives for land policy change in Africa, as well as GLTN to work globally

• Our principles and proposals for engagement with government ministries and agencies

• Schedule for the year ahead (see timeline)


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