Powering the land rights movement with data and analysis
Prindex 2020 global findings
See our key findings and generate infographics on 140 countries
Land rights matter.
Perceptions matter.
Do you fear losing your home? Watch our video on why land and housing rights matter.
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View moreReflections On The India Land And Development Conference 2023
Last week, Prindex Co-Director Anna Locke attended the India Land and Development Conference 2023: Land - People Relations: Diversity and Transitions, cosponsored by Global Land Alliance. She reflects on the conference, people she met, and the future of land governance in India. Special thanks to the Center for Land Governance and Pranab Choudhury for convening an important space for dialogue and collaboration.
Global Land Alliance Awarded € 2.1 Million Grant to Advance Prindex
Podcast: Where do we land up on the rights of persons with disabilities?
This episode of the LandUP! podcast looks a largely unexplored subject matter: the land rights of persons with disabilities.
Latest reports
Indicateurs et agenda des droits fonciers dans les défis de développement de l’Afrique subsaharienne
Ce rapport met en lumière le rôle essentiel de la sécurisation des droits fonciers pour relever six défis de développement clés auxquels l'Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée en 2022.
Latest reports
Seguridad de la Tenencia de la Tierra en América Latina: una agenda pospandemia de derechos de la tierra
Esbozar una agenda para mejorar la seguridad de los derechos a la tierra y la vivienda en apoyo de una sociedad inclusiva, reactivación económica sostenible de la región latinoamericana tras la pandemia del COVID-19.
Latest reports
Land tenure security in Latin America: a post-pandemic land rights agenda
Outlining an agenda for improving the security of rights to land and housing in support of an inclusive,
sustainable economic reactivation of the Latin American region in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Prindex: Сравнительный отчет
Почти 1 миллиард человек взрослого населения во всем мире считают вероятным или очень вероятным то, что они будут лишены своей земли или имущества в ближайшие пять лет против собственной воли. Это охватывает почти каждого пятого взрослого в 140 исследованных странах.
Latest reports
Cinco infográficos sobre direitos de terra e propriedade na América Latina e Caribe
Obtenha os principais resultados da Prindex 2020 na América Latina e Caribe graficamente!