
Global Data Reveals Growing
Insecurity in Land and
Property Rights
Across 108 Countries

New findings from the 2024 Prindex Report show that 1.1 billion adults across the 108 countries—23% of the adult population—feel insecure about their land or property rights, with a sharp rise in East Asia, the Pacific, and North America.

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more information
Strength of evidence
that the percentage
has changed
Little or no evidence > 0.1
* Weak evidence < 0.1
** Moderate evidence < 0.05
*** Strong evidence < 0.01
Due to rounding, the reported change between 2020 and 2024 may not match the difference in the results for each year.
Tenure Insecurity
Greater than 40%
No data

Different factors affect tenure insecurity

Young people and renters tend feel more insecure than older people and homeowners in most countries. Select up to 10 countries to compare factors like age, gender, and tenure type.

You can only compare 10 countries at a time

Strength of evidence that the percentage has changed p-value
Little or no evidence > 0.1
* Weak evidence < 0.1
** Moderate evidence < 0.05
*** Strong evidence < 0.01

Due to rounding, the reported change between 2020 and 2024 may not match the difference in the results for each year.

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Prindex: Сравнительный отчет

Почти 1 миллиард человек взрослого населения во всем мире считают вероятным или очень вероятным то, что они будут лишены своей земли или имущества в ближайшие пять лет против собственной воли. Это охватывает почти каждого пятого взрослого в 140 исследованных странах.

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