Quarterly update bulletin – July 2019


Welcome to the July 2019 Prindex bulletin. You can download a PDF version of this bulletin here.

In this issue:

  • "Hundreds of millions expect to lose their homes" – Prindex launches first annual report. Hundreds of millions of people – one in four – across 33 countries surveyed during 2018 expect to lose their homes and other property, data published by Prindex showed for the first time, in our first annual report.
  • How Prindex amplifies women’s hopes and fears. Renée Giovarelli of Resource Equity argues that Prindex not only tells us something about how we can improve women’s land rights, but helps us to think in a new way about development.
  • Six things you need to know about how Prindex works. Researcher Joseph Feyertag gives a behind-the-scenes look at Prindex, explaining how our survey is breaking new ground in measuring how secure people feel in their rights to stay in their home or on their land.
  • Spotlight on Tanzania: Over 120 policymakers and members of civil society met in Dodoma in May to discuss data Prindex collected in the country last year. Supported by the Tanzanian Bureau of National Statistics, the event represents Prindex’s commitment to ensuring national policymakers have access to our data and the opportunity to discuss it with their peers. See page 4 of the PDF bulletin here for more, and explore the Tanzania data in full here.

A PDF version of this bulletin is available here.


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