Call for tender: Burkina Faso survey

Enumerator and farmer in Ghana.jpg

Call for company submissions: Burkina Faso survey

Deadline: 27 September 2021

Prindex is seeking to contract the services of a company to carry out a qualitative and quantitative survey in Burkina Faso. Interested companies are requested to contact for the 'Request for Proposal' document. The deadline for submission of the tender is 27 September 2021.

Instructions to tender - baseline survey

Annex 1 - terms of reference

Annex 2 - financial offer template

Annex 3 - evaluation criteria

Annex 4 - subcontract agreement

Prindex cherche à contracter les services d'une entreprise pour réaliser une enquête qualitative et quantitative au Burkina Faso. Les entreprises intéressées sont priées de contacter pour le document de demande de propositions. La date limite de soumission des offres est le 27 septembre 2021.

Instructions pour l'appel d'offres

Annexe 1 Termes de reference

Annexe 2 Modele d'offre financiere

Annexe 3 Critere d'evaluation

Annexe 4 Subcontractor Agreement (French)

Photo by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture


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