What gets measured gets changed - story map

PlaceFund's story map on global property rights

Story map

Prindex is the first ever measure of land and property rights that is comparable between countries and truly global. PlaceFund created a story map using our open source data - freely available to everyone - to highlight the importance of data in driving positive change in land and property rights. Using maps, stats, and videos, it looks at the situation in different regions around the world and paints a picture of how different groups feel about their rights - from city dwellers and renters, to women and young people.

Check out PlaceFund's story map here.

Stories and News

Stay informed with the latest stories, insights, and updates from around the world. Discover how land and housing rights are evolving, explore personal experiences from the most affected communities, and follow the global actions being taken to address tenure insecurity.

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Tenure insecurity on the rise: 1.1 billion people at risk, Prindex report warns

At the Rome launch of the Global Comparative Report on Security of Property Rights for Land and Housing in 2024 presented by Prindex initiative on October 22, alarming new data revealed that 1.1 billion people worldwide feel insecure about their property rights, reflecting an escalating global crisis in housing and land tenure.

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New global data from 108 countries reveals increasing tenure insecurity – urgent policy action required

The latest global assessment of land and housing tenure security reveals alarming trends. According to the 2024 Prindex Report, approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide—23% of the adult population in 108 countries surveyed—feel insecure about their rights to property or land.

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Launch of Prindex Report on global tenure security and property rights

Save the date! Launch of Prindex Report on global tenure security and property rights Date: 22 October 2024 Time: 17:00 - 18:00 CET Language: This event will take place in English

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