Prindex to expand coverage in 2018

New Prindex data from 36 countries to help citizens secure their rights to homes and land


Prindex will collect data from 36 countries in 2018 to help citizens secure their rights to homes and land

After two years of rigorous testing, Land Alliance and the Overseas Development Institute are expanding a first-of-its-kind global dataset and index on perceptions of property rights, called the Global Property Rights Index (Prindex). With seed funding from Omidyar Network and the UK’s Department for International Development, Prindex is a baseline, multi-national dataset measuring how secure people feel about their rights to the land and property on which they live and work. This data will provide the grounding for a global conversation and movement around securing the property rights of billions who currently lack them, and has the potential to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Building on initial data collected from 9 countries in 2016 and 2017, Prindex 2018 will collect data from an additional 36 countries in different regions of the world, creating the world’s first comprehensive account of people’s perceptions and opinions of property rights.

Why Prindex?

Property rights provide the necessary foundation for people to build better lives for themselves and their families, ultimately driving sustainable economic growth in their countries. However, identifying, administering and maintaining property rights is a challenge for many countries around the world as governments often do not have information on who has those rights, and rights holders are not always able to protect them. .

To develop the right solutions, it is critical to know how citizens currently understand their rights to land and property so that governments, NGOs, donors and others can build targeted programs tailored to the realities faced by local communities. PRIndex takes a people-first approach to advancing the global property rights movement.

Prindex’s publicly available data will also help increase awareness of the challenges in advancing property rights, helping attract greater support from the wider global development community. As countries work toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, a deeper understanding of the barriers to securing and maintaining property rights will go a long way in unlocking valuable knowledge and resources for those working in the field.

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